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*[https://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/27/27157/tde-12012023-161938/pt-br.php?fbclid=IwAR2u0oUbV--qPiuUzECy4qm20lW0WMe8prmm-WL4JYOLfiHBfyrn6fib5ww Alegre, Roberto Cornacchioni. Entre notação e improviso: teoria e prática nos partimenti de Giovanni Furno (1750-1837)]
*[https://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/27/27157/tde-12012023-161938/pt-br.php?fbclid=IwAR2u0oUbV--qPiuUzECy4qm20lW0WMe8prmm-WL4JYOLfiHBfyrn6fib5ww Alegre, Roberto Cornacchioni. Entre notação e improviso: teoria e prática nos partimenti de Giovanni Furno (1750-1837)]
*[https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/25272 León Martín, Zoe. Análisis de los schemata de estilo galante en la obra para flauta de los hermanos Pla: estudio de 12 sonatas en trío de Juan Bautista y José Pla]
*[https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/25272 León Martín, Zoe. Análisis de los schemata de estilo galante en la obra para flauta de los hermanos Pla: estudio de 12 sonatas en trío de Juan Bautista y José Pla]
*[https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/471889/1/PhD_Thesis_Alberto_Martin_Entrialgo_Library_Copy.pdf Martín Entrialgo, Alberto. "Galant Schemata in the Works of Isaac Albéniz" en The Persistence of Eighteenth-Century Conventions in the Music of Isaac Albéniz, p. 66]
*[https://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/handle/2292/37179?fbclid=IwAR0y9fI7VHgGMnzGGTPYHyPJxI2HhmKWUNov7OYjT7c5M-tmVtDrYIvOR6w Weiss, Michael. Theoretical and Analytical Reflections on the Role of Robert O. Gjerdingen’s Galant Schemata in Nineteenth-Century Composition]
*[https://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/handle/2292/37179?fbclid=IwAR0y9fI7VHgGMnzGGTPYHyPJxI2HhmKWUNov7OYjT7c5M-tmVtDrYIvOR6w Weiss, Michael. Theoretical and Analytical Reflections on the Role of Robert O. Gjerdingen’s Galant Schemata in Nineteenth-Century Composition]
*[https://www.academia.edu/11392871/A_Classic_Turn_of_Phrase_Music_and_the_Psychology_of_Convention Gjerdingen, Robert O. A Classic Turn of Phrase: Music and the Psychology of Convention] | [https://archive.org/details/classicturnofphr00gjer Préstamo en Internet Archive]
*[https://www.academia.edu/11392871/A_Classic_Turn_of_Phrase_Music_and_the_Psychology_of_Convention Gjerdingen, Robert O. A Classic Turn of Phrase: Music and the Psychology of Convention] | [https://archive.org/details/classicturnofphr00gjer Préstamo en Internet Archive]

Revisión del 15:00 7 abr 2023






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